
Acupuncture is a natural treatment

Acupuncture forms an important part of Chinese Medicine, having originated in China over 5,000 years ago. However, it is only recently the science and art of Acupuncture has become more widely accepted. It is now an established profession in Australia being used as a natural treatment to assist with a large number of health disorders.

Physiotherapist performing dry needling on patient's back
acupuncture on client's hand

How Can Acupuncture Assist You?

Under national law, claims regarding effectiveness of treatment must be made along with reference to evidence of a high standard with health conditions being listed based on a range of “strong” to “inconclusive” evidence. The Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association Ltd (AACMA) identified the need for an updated review of evidence for the efficacy of Acupuncture and commissioned The Acupuncture Evidence Project which is a comprehensive analysis of scientific literature focusing on systematic reviews and meta analyses (the highest form of evidence available).

For further information we refer you to this comparative literature review. (Please note while there are many other conditions that can also be helped, managed and supported with Acpuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine there is insufficient western scientific evidence for these at the present time.)

How Does Acupuncture Work?

The aim of acupuncture treatments is to establish a healthier state of body function, increasing the body’s capacity to cope with stress. The human body can be likened to a highly complex electrical circuit, and as with any electrical circuit, the energy flow must be kept in good working order to function effectively. If the “human circuit” breaks down, the result may be illness.

In Chinese Medicine it is considered essential for the body’s energy (called Qi – pronounced Chi), along with the blood, to circulate in a continuous and unobstructed manner.

There are over 5,000 acupuncture points

 The pathways through which Qi flows in the body are called meridians which were mapped out by the ancient Chinese thousands of years ago. Modern technological methods such as Kirlian photography, electronic and thermal readings, are now being used to detect these meridians.

There are over 5,000 acupuncture points that lie along these meridians. Acupuncturists aim to improve the quality and quantity of Qi by stimulating acupuncture points with acupuncture needles.

How Many Treatments Do You Need?

The number and frequency of treatments depends on several factors. These include the duration and intensity of your present disorder. Your age, constitution, and individual circumstances such as your desired health goal, are also taken into account.

Traditional Chinese Medicine recognises you as a complex blend of body, mind and emotions. During your first visit, your practitioner will be concerned about all aspects of your health. Details of your medical, surgical and family history and other relevant information such as exercise habits and occupation are collected.

Client receiving acupuncture on her face
acupuncture needles on a wood

What Will Be Your Response to Treatment?

The first response you may notice is a change in your general wellbeing, including sleep, digestion and energy levels. Acupuncture treatments will be aimed towards managing the symptoms of your specific disorders and reducing complications. Individual variations occur, with some people responding more quickly while others showing a more gradual improvement.

Maintenance visits for long-term problems may provide a more comfortable state of health reducing the need for medication and surgical interventions.

What Can You Do to Assist Your Therapy?

Moderation in all things is a good principle. Some things you can do include: